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First of all, email is not dead. And email marketing for accountants is still a primary form of lead generation.

While some people might be trying to move away from email by using tools like Slack and messaging, email is still very effective. Data shows that professionals are still living out of their inbox and most of what they do comes from email. 

That being said, emails can be annoying. They are easily ignored and and too many of them are frustrating, so you (as the sender) want to be very careful when crafting a message for an email marketing campaign. 

Wanting to grow your firm by getting in front of new people via email? Check out this video we created this video for you.

email marketing for accountants

4 Tips to Simplify Email Marketing for Accountants

1.Have A Purpose

Too many accounting firms are sending out emails without a purpose. This turns people away and encourages them NOT to open future emails.

If you want to get through to a potential client, be sure to prove your point in the email. Making your purpose known right off the bat will keep them interested and searching for more info.

2. Have A Next Step

If you get someone to open your email, realize how valuable their attention is. They won’t be reading your content for long, so don’t risk them leaving with questions. Be sure to include a crystal clear action step for the receiver to follow. Here are a few examples:

  • Download this guide
  • Schedule a time to meet
  • Fill out this form

Our best tip: Don’t make them work to claim your email offer.

3. Be Direct 

There’s no need for a long story/intro, those will most likely be ignored or deleted.

Instead, be direct.

Your subject line should be catchy and summarize what the email talks about in just a few words. Avoid using fuzzy (or “sales-ee”) language, instead getting straight to the point.

4. Context

One of the most important tips in today’s age of email – don’t be generic and offer a “one size fits all” message.

Offer context and some sort of personalization, (for example, “Hey (name)” ) Explain to them:

  • Why you’re sending the email
  • Why you care about them
  • Why you know something that can help them/their business

Personalized messages have a higher chance of engagement and a lower chance of being ignored. 

Need Help with Email Marketing for Accountants?

As we mentioned, email marketing for accountants isn’t dead; many firms have just been missing the mark.

Do email marketing, and do it right by:

  1. Having a Purpose
  2. Having a Next Step
  3. Being Direct
  4. Adding Context 

If you’re just starting out with a new email marketing campaign, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Full Stadium Marketing. We are experts in email marketing for accountants and would love to help out your firm!

For more helpful information about growing your accounting firm we put together a Complete Guide to Accounting Firm Marketing. Find it at

This post was updated: May 15, 2023

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